37 research outputs found

    Impact of raw ham quality and tumbling time on the technological properties of polyphosphate-free cooked ham

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    The effect of tumbling time (5 h30, 19 h and 26 h) and raw ham quality (superior, inferior or mixed quality) on the quality of polyphosphate-free cooked ham was investigated. The water holding capacity and total yield of the polyphosphate-free tumbled hams were dependent on both tumbling time and ham quality. Higher values of both parameters were obtained with an increase in tumbling time from 5 h30 to 19 h and with superior hams. The exudate after 19 h and 26 h tumbling showed a higher gel forming ability compared to 5 h30, which, in case of polyphosphate-free cooked hams produced with mixed and inferior meat quality, resulted in a better sliceability (less holes). However, tumbling time did not affect hardness, which was only influenced by ham quality, resulting in a softer polyphosphate-free cooked ham produced with inferior ham quality compared to the other quality classes

    Phosphate Reduction in Emulsified Meat Products: Impact of Phosphate Type and Dosage on Quality Characteristics

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    Za dobivanje zdravih proizvoda u industrijskoj proizvodnji mesnih emulzija važno je smanjiti udjel fosfata. Ispitan je utjecaj sedam vrsta fosfata na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva te kakvoću proizvoda radi odabira najoptimalnijeg spoja za proizvodnju kuhanih kobasica. Zatim je udjel fosfata postupno smanjivan. Dodatkom tetranatrijevog difosfata i natrijevog tripolifosfata povećala se pH-vrijednost, umanjile strukturne značajke te postigla najbolja stabilnost emulzije i najmanji kalo kuhanja, bez značajnog utjecaja na tvrdoću. Na osnovi viskoelastičnih svojstava zaključeno je da je za dobivanje proizvoda prihvatljive kakvoće dovoljan dodatak minimalnog masenog udjela tetranatrijevog difosfata od 0,06 %. Reološka su se ispitivanja pokazala prikladnima za ocjenu kakvoće mesnih proizvoda, jer su pružila uvid u strukturne značajke proizvoda, a osobito funkcionalna svojstva proteina iz mesa. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da se udjel fosfata u mesnim emulzijama može bitno smanjiti, bez negativnih utjecaja na kakvoću proizvoda.Phosphate reduction is of important industrial relevance in the manufacturing of emulsified meat products because it may give rise to a healthier product. The effect of seven different phosphate types was tested on the physicochemical and quality characteristics to select the most promising phosphate type for further cooked sausage manufacturing. Next, phosphate mass fraction was gradually reduced. Tetrasodium di- or pyrophosphate (TSPP) and sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) increased pH, reduced structural properties, resulted in the highest emulsion stability, lowest cooking loss and had little effect on hardness. Based on the viscoelastic properties, a minimum mass fraction of 0.06 % TSPP was sufficient to obtain an acceptable quality product. Rheology proved to be a very useful tool to evaluate the quality of meat products, as it gives insight in the structure of the meat product and especially the functional properties of meat proteins. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the current amount of phosphate added to emulsified meat products can be significantly reduced with minimal loss of product quality

    Insight in the structure of cooked sausages

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    Influence of adding a commercial phytosterol ester mixture on the equilibrium crystallization behavior of palm oil

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The objective of this study was to in depth investigate the ‘equilibrium’ state morphology and properties of crystals obtained after long-term isothermal crystallization and annealing of palm oil (PO) in the presence of different concentrations of phytosterol esters (PEs). A commercially available mixture of PEs was added to PO (0–100% PEs, 10% increment) and the effect of PE addition was analyzed with differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, polarized light microscopy and texture analysis. It was observed that PE addition had a major influence on each level of the crystalline structural hierarchy of PO in the ‘equilibrium’ state. The PE-PO binary system showed eutectic behavior. In case of a low PE concentration PEs itself did not crystallize but acted as a liquid oil diluting PO, while when added in a high concentration, PEs crystallized separately from PO. From a concentration of 40% PEs next to the β’ crystals of PO also PEx crystals were observed in the blends and from a concentration of 80% PEs additionally also the PEy liquid crystals were formed. The amount of PEy in the blends with 80% and 90% PEs was however too low for the formation of the dense crystal structure as seen in pure PE. The crystal network structure of pure PO was lost after PE addition leading to a drop in the hardness.status: accepte